Enthusiasts salted egg and preserved egg Enthusiasts are similar to the Potentialists with regards to positive attitudes and beliefs towards the eggs. In addition, salted egg Enthusiasts are significantly higher than all other salted egg segments in their Healthy Product rating of salted duck eggs, and preserved egg Enthusiasts are significantly higher than Neutralists and Pragmatists (see below) in the same category.However, these Healthy Product ratings are still rated only in the neutral range.Enthusiasts agree that they do not avoid imported eggs from China.Preserved egg Enthusiasts are in better agreement than all other preserved egg segments, and salted egg Enthusiasts are only significantly higher in agreement than Health Skeptics and Pragmatists. Like Potentialists, Enthusiasts indicate that they do not limit purchases due to Cooking Considerations. However, in contrast to salted egg Potentialists, the importance of product attributes when buying are rated significantly higher by Enthusiasts, with the exceptions of the local product, organic product ,and price attributes. This may indicate a greater engagement in the buying process compared to salted egg Potentialists. preserved egg Enthusiasts appear to rate all product attributes significantly lower in importance than Pragmatists, with the exception of price, which is important to them, indicating that they may be price sensitive.