Sociology Lesson 14 - Race, Ethnicity and the Social Structure
You were gonna be continuing to look at social inequality and social stratification by looking now at race at in this city and the social structure we’re going to be talking about superior inferior group going higher on that visible latter not just face on economic prosperity but based on ethnicity overexcited I’m excited let’s get started now these are the terms we need to know please make sure that you have those down to make know them cuz we’re gonna be seeing them on further summative assessments up now couple more terms they need to know that I really want to point out first called institutional discrimination that is basically discrimination against a particular minority group that’s in it higher suicide entire society save yeah I worked hard you and you’re gonna be the inferior group rest individual discrimination is just you tree another person about because it your beliefs and your ideas know first thing you need to discuss is race first of all I have to say this ICSC this right now race is knots real it is not real there’s no genetic changes associate with race it is something that man has created is a social contract our society have said that there’s this recent there’s this reason there’s this race and its role now the definition would be a category people who share inherited physical characteristics whom others see as being a distinct group yeah all ancient yellow lights they’re all black that comes outta ignorance stop using the word race now the proper word is that in this city because its not judging someone simply by the color of their skin ethnicity is a sea cultural characteristics that distinguish one group from another so that could be where they were born the religion that the R the language they speak customs the values they happen norms they have he closing up to where the hall is that they have food that they make architecture that the sea those are different ethnicities you could Asia know how many different ethnicities would-be Asia you what you’re talking about you saying grace your’re being ignorant and stupid it’s ethnicity because it brings apart just where you were born but everything about yourself everything about culture into the equation now a minority group in a society always got minority groups and societies they could be based all ethnicity or religion or socioeconomic status number things a minority group is a good people who because %uh either physical characteristics you all a black this year them out already or because as a cultural practice you have no way related here I’m not already are single outs air treated unfairly or are not treated the same way you all experienced that some %um even P the minority in a country I i taught us for new Jersey once and close to my students would be from a minority group you’re talking about this message I just love though your experienced unequal treatment and a lot of them said you know I go into a store people follow me cuz they think I’m gonna still stop know what should be treated like that be yet we do this and the reason why their minority groups because two reasons one migration you have a large population what place coming to another place for I’d there’s a lot of attention right now in Europe because in that area the expansion a political borders %uh Kingdom or AC grows and now there are you people in there now jane Elliot who still alive what test this theory a minority and majority group and search something called live row nights stir kids said the blue-eyes people are going to be the dominant majority group brown-eyed people use mine were you and fear your and she watched the kids interact and the people that she said you’re the dummy just completely abuse the minority group and a she switched around in the in the group just got harsher toward each other and this is to say that yes I did he say who were the superior in peer group we’re the ones is a clear that dominic cooper the minority and because titles like this that social equality excess now in our next video we’re gonna be talking about how dominic group dominate minority groups and hopefully you’re gonna be really