A European initiative2 by the Big Data Value Association focuses on creating value of big data, whereas NIST3 and researchers in computer science advanced education in India4 introduce R&D Initiatives. The terms of ‘open data’ and ‘big data’ have been familiar concepts also for many companies for several years. At this moment, a new challenge for companies is to develop a business model around these concepts and create new value from the data through largescaleanalytics[6].Thebigdatadimensions;volume,variety, velocity and veracity [6], pose challenges not only to data analytics, but also to the big data systems that must manage all the data. As a lot of freely accessible data is commonly unstructuredornotmorethansemi-structured[7],[8]andoriginates from indeterminate sources, the quality and trustworthiness of the data become key issues. Data quality can be defined according to [9]; data that are fit for use by data consumers. Trustworthiness of data has a broader meaning, defining the perceived likelihood that a piece of information will preserve a user’s trust in it [10], and consisting of factors that influence how data-users make decisions regarding the trust