AKI addresses the important fact that an
increase in serum creatinine does not necessarily
mean failure of the kidneys, but a dysfunction that
may or may not lead to failure (Vijayan, 2008a).
The progression of AKI increases the mortality
connected with any primary disease. It develops
in 5% of all hospitalized patients, with around
20–60% of patients that develop AKI requiring
dialysis treatment. Around 50 to 60% of patients
that develop AKI will revert to most, if not
all, of their kidney function. The highest cause
of mortality in patients with AKI is infection
which accounts for 75% of deaths followed by
cardiorespiratory complications (Biel et al, 2008).
Vijayan (2008a) identifies AKI as a disease of the
hospitalized patient, with prevalence altering
from 5% in the overall hospital patients to 25%
in patients in intensive care.