This slide shows how the forever incremental backup works in EVault solution and highlights the single step restoration process offered by EVault solution.
The first backup is always a full backup. This is necessary as the base/seed backup.
All subsequent backup is incremental backup and as previous slide shows, takes up at most 1-1.5% of the volume of the seed backup.
At the vault, a unique EVault process links the incremental backup with the full backup to create a virtual full backup safe-set.
Every time a new incremental is done, the same process will generate a virtual full backup safe-set and this will be available as the dailies/weeklies/monthlies retentions that the user can restore to the home system.
When restoring retentions, the user specifies the retention required and the vault would be responsible for bring back the virtual full backup safe-set without going through multiple processes which is customary of many other backup solutions. This saves time and effort required in restoration. Also EVault solution allows for granular restore so you can actually go into the virtual safe-set and pick up individual items for restoration back to the home servers. This makes restoration truly easy and assuring for the enterprise.