Our ancestors undoubtedly bemoaned the cultural shallowness or
remoteness of Athens and, later on, Italia. Or the putridity of Paris. These
paradigms set the standard for the worlds of yesteryear and molded them
into their image not due to their own superiority or preeminence, but
rather - and most importantly - because they were strong, able,
resourceful and because they looked toward the distant horizon with
determination. Just like America.”
J. Surdykowski: McDonald’s,
(McDonald's, or: Same Old Thing, Everywhere?)
Our ancestors undoubtedly bemoaned the cultural shallowness orremoteness of Athens and, later on, Italia. Or the putridity of Paris. Theseparadigms set the standard for the worlds of yesteryear and molded theminto their image not due to their own superiority or preeminence, butrather - and most importantly - because they were strong, able,resourceful and because they looked toward the distant horizon withdetermination. Just like America.”J. Surdykowski: McDonald’s,(McDonald's, or: Same Old Thing, Everywhere?)
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