Dear Daniel,
I'm glad that our staff got back to you about the payment. I could take a while though. We can issue you a purchasing order so the recovery process can start. Please let us know what kind of information should be there. Chanon should be able to take care of this. (กั๊สคะ คือแดเนียวเสนอว่าถ้ากระบวนการอนุมัติงบฯใช้เวลานาน เราออกหนังสือยืนยันว่าเราจะจัดจ้างเขาทำเวบไซต์และขณะนี้อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการรองบประมาณ เขาจะได้เริ่มฟื้นเวบเก่าเลย)
At the moment, we are in the process of hiring a conference secretary. Once this is done, the training session can commence. I would suggest that we start the work in early July. If your work takes a month, it should be ready by early August which is about the right time we will announce the call for papers. The conference will be held in July 2017 (possibly on 20-21st). Registration should begins around January 2017.
In sum, a few suggestions regarding the beginning date of your work are;
- If recovery process can begin while we are working on transferring the down payment, it can start June 15 onwards. If not, I would suggest it start on July 1. By then, we should be able to give you the down payment.
- The training session should start on July 15. This date is subject to change depending on how soon we can sign a work contract with our new conference secretary.
The new domain - - looks fine.
Let me know if you need further clarifications.