Following resuspension, each size class of 15N labeled biofloc was
distributed into 20 plastic tanks of 2 L (80 tanks in total). Fromeach experimental
species (shrimp, fish, and mussels), one individual was
stocked per tank (5 replicates per floc size class). The remaining 5 replicated
tanks per floc size class filled with only biofloc suspensions
were used to observed possible biofloc degradation during the experiment.
Five additional replicate tanks per species were also prepared as
a control, filled with seawater without any biofloc addition and stocked
with one individual. Aerationwas provided in each tank to ensure a homogenous
suspension of floc particles. The stocking sizes of the shrimp,
red tilapia, andmussels were 10.6±1.2 g, 9.6±1.2 g, and 10.5±1.2 g
(6–7 cmin length), respectively. The animals were adapted to the environmental
conditions of the experiment, i.e. the temperature, light condition
and salinity in the laboratory for 1 week prior to the start of the
feeding experiment. As for red tilapia, the adaptation to seawater salinity
was performed three weeks before the experiment. Twenty-four
hours before the biofloc feeding experiment, feeding with commercial
pellet was stopped to ensure that the animals would feed on the biofloc
suspension. The animals were kept in the biofloc suspensions for 4 days
during which no additional feed was provided.
Following resuspension, each size class of 15N labeled biofloc was
distributed into 20 plastic tanks of 2 L (80 tanks in total). Fromeach experimental
species (shrimp, fish, and mussels), one individual was
stocked per tank (5 replicates per floc size class). The remaining 5 replicated
tanks per floc size class filled with only biofloc suspensions
were used to observed possible biofloc degradation during the experiment.
Five additional replicate tanks per species were also prepared as
a control, filled with seawater without any biofloc addition and stocked
with one individual. Aerationwas provided in each tank to ensure a homogenous
suspension of floc particles. The stocking sizes of the shrimp,
red tilapia, andmussels were 10.6±1.2 g, 9.6±1.2 g, and 10.5±1.2 g
(6–7 cmin length), respectively. The animals were adapted to the environmental
conditions of the experiment, i.e. the temperature, light condition
and salinity in the laboratory for 1 week prior to the start of the
feeding experiment. As for red tilapia, the adaptation to seawater salinity
was performed three weeks before the experiment. Twenty-four
hours before the biofloc feeding experiment, feeding with commercial
pellet was stopped to ensure that the animals would feed on the biofloc
suspension. The animals were kept in the biofloc suspensions for 4 days
during which no additional feed was provided.
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