An American Holiday, Hawaiian Stylefirework. hot dogs. Bands marching  การแปล - An American Holiday, Hawaiian Stylefirework. hot dogs. Bands marching  อุสเบกิสถาน วิธีการพูด

An American Holiday, Hawaiian Style

An American Holiday, Hawaiian Style
firework. hot dogs. Bands marching down Main street. These are the picture that come to many people's mind when they think of U.S. holidays. but the United States is a vast country made up of people from many different cultures, and the celebrating of holidays reflects this diversity.

In the Chinatown section of san Francisco, rice and snow peas are a part of many holiday meals. In New Mexico, one might encounter chili peppers, piñatas, and Mexican music on the Fourth of july. In Hawaii, one popular way to celebrate a holiday is with a feast, or luau, which has been a Hawaiian tradition for centuries

Hawaii is the only state in the united State that was once an independent country with its own language and culture. Today, many Hawaiians continue to celebrate traditional Hawaiian holiday, such as prince Kuhio day, Kamehameha Day and Aloha week. In celebration of their Hawaiian ancestry, Islanders might dress in traditional clothes such as loose dresses called muumuus or colorful shirts. Around their necks they might wear leis, or rings of flowers.

Even when it comes to celebrating a traditional American holiday such as Thankgiving , Hawaiians give it their own special flavor. They might place pumpkins on doorsteps and paste cardboard pilgrims on windows, but chances are there will also be a turkey or a pig roasting under the ground in an earth oven or imu

Cooking in an imu is an ancient Islands custom that requires much work and cooperation among family members. Preparations begin several day before Thanksgiving, when the family goes down to the beach or to the mouth of a stream to fill sacks with smooth, rounded lava stones. They choose the stones carefully for their shape and size and for the presence of holes that will prevent the rocks from exploding when they are heated.

To prepare the imu, the men first dig a large hole in the shape of a bowl about three feet wide and two feet deep. They then line the bottom and side of the hole with the lave rocks. Firewood is cut and piled up, ready for the holiday morning when a first is lit inside the hole. As the first gets bigger and hotter, more rocks placed in the hole. finally, the lava rocks get so hot they glow red and white. The fire is then brushed aside, and several of the hot rocks are place inside the turkey or pig . the meat is then wrapped in the long, broad leaves of the ti plant and tied up tightly with wire.

Before a pig or turkey is place in the imu, chopped pieces of banana plant are spread over the hot rocks. The white, juicy lining of this plant makes a lot of stream, but it can also cause a bitter taste.
So ti leaves are layered over it. Finally, the pig or turkey is placed in the imu, along with sweet potatoes, pineapple, plantain, vegetable and even fresh fire all wrapped in ti leaves.

More hot rocks are spread over their bundles of food, then more ti leaves, a layer of wet sacks, and a canvas covering. Dirt is shoveled into the hole and patted down smoothly. Not a trace can be seen of either the meal or the earth oven in which it is cooking.

Three to four hour later, the dirt is shoveled away. The men dip their hands in cold water and then quickly remove the burned leaves and rocks, allowing delicious smells to emerge from the oven. The bundles of cooked food are taken out, uncovered, and placed on platters, ready for a different kind of Thanksgiving meal, cooked and served Hawaiian style.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อุสเบกิสถาน) 1: [สำเนา]
An American Holiday, Hawaii Style
mushakbozlik. issiq itlar. Guruhlar Asosiy ko'chada yurish. Bu AQSh bayramlari o'ylayman qachon ko'p odamlarning aqlga kelgan rasm bor. lekin Qo'shma Shtatlar ko'p turli millatdagi odamlar tashkil etdi, bir katta mamlakat va bayramlar nishonlash bu xilma aks ettiradi. San-Frantsisko Chinatown qismida, guruch va qor no'xat ko'p dam olish ovqatlar bir qismidir. Nyu-Meksiko, bir to'rtinchi iyul qalampir qalampir, piñatas va Meksika musiqa bo'lishi mumkin. Hawaii, bir dam olish nishonlash uchun bir mashhur yo'li asrlar davomida bir havo an'anaga bo'ldi bayrami yoki luau, bilan Hawaii bir marta o'z tili va madaniyati bilan mustaqil mamlakat bo'ldi birlashgan Davlatda faqat davlat hisoblanadi. Bugungi kunda, ko'p Footbridge bunday shahzoda Kuhio kun, Kamehameha kuni va yoqishingiz lozim hafta kabi an'anaviy Hawaii bayram nishonlash davom etmoqda. Ularning Hawaiian ajdodlarimiz nishonlash, Islanders bunday muumuus yoki rangli futbolka deb nomlangan bo'sh liboslar kabi an'anaviy kiyim kiyinish mumkin. Ular bo'yinlarida kishanlar ular. Gullar dam olish, yoki halqalarni kiyish mumkin , bunday Thankgiving kabi an'anaviy Amerika bayram nishonlash kelsa ham, Footbridge u o'z maxsus lazzat beradi. Ular Derazalardagi eshik va xamir karton ziyoratchilar bo'yicha qovoq joylashtirish mumkin, lekin imkoniyat ham bir kurka yoki yer tandirda yoki O'IH erga ostida qovurishdan bir cho'chqa bor bo'ladi , bir O'IH pishirish ko'p mehnat va hamkorlik talab qiladi qadimiy Islands maxsus qilinadi oila a'zolari o'rtasida. Oila silliq, yumaloq lava toshlar bilan qop to'ldirish uchun sohilga yoki oqim og'ziga tushib ketadi qachon tayyorgarlik, hamdu sano oldin bir necha kun boshlanadi. Ular shakli va kattaligi uchun va ular qizdirilsa otashin dan jinslar oldini teshik borligi uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan toshlarni tanlang. O'IHga tayyorlash uchun, erkaklar birinchi uch fut keng bir piyola shaklida katta teshik qazish va ikki oyoq chuqur. Ular keyin yuvmoq jinslar bilan tuynuk pastki va yon yo'nalish. O'tin kesib, bir birinchi teshik ichida yoritilgan bo'lsa, dam olish kuni ertalab tayyor yığılı etiladi. Birinchi katta va issiq bo'ladi, deb, yana qoyalar teshik joylashtirilgan. nihoyat, lava toshlar ular qizil va oq shafaq shunday issiq bo'lsin. yong'in, keyin chetga cho'tkasi, va issiq jinslar bir necha Turkiyada yoki to'ng'iz ichida joy bor. go'sht keyin ti zavodi uzoq, keng barglari o'ralgan va. sim bilan mahkam bog'lab qo'yilgan bir cho'chqa yoki kurka joy O'IH bo'lgan oldin, banan zavodi tug'ralgan dona issiq jinslar ustida yoyiladi. Mazkur zavodning oq, suvli qoplama oqimi juda ko'p qiladi, lekin u ham bir achchiq ta'mi. kelishi mumkin Bas, ti barglari ustida qatlamlik etiladi. Nihoyat, cho'chqa yoki turkey. Barcha ti barglari o'ralgan shirin kartoshka, ananas, banan, sabzavot va hatto yangi olov bilan birga, O'zbekiston Islomiy Harakati bayrok Batafsil issiq toshlar oziq-ovqat, ularning to'plamlari, keyin yana ti barglari, bir qatlam ustida yoyiladi ho'l xaltadan va kartina qoplama. Axloqsiz teshikni shoveled va silliq pastga qaray etiladi. A iz taom yoki u pishirish bo'lgan yer tandirda ham riyo bo'lishi mumkin emas. Uch-to'rt soat o'tgach, yer yuz shoveled etiladi. Erkaklar sovuq suvda qo'llarini botirib, keyin esa tez mazali tandirda chiqishga hid imkonini beradi, yondi barg va qoyalar olib tashlang. pishirilgan oziq-ovqat to'plamlar, olib ochiq va hamdu sano ovqat bir xil turdagi uchun, plastinka tayyor joylashtirilgan, pishirilgan va havo uslubi xizmat etiladi.

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