;Language translation for MP3Gain (the GUI part)
;Simply translate the strings in this file, name the file
; YOURLANGUAGE.mp3gain.ini
;and put it in the same folder as the GUI exe file.
;The overall idea here is to replace everything on the RIGHT
;side of the = signs to your own language. Do NOT change
;anything on the LEFT side of the = signs.
;For instance, you can change "LCL_CHOOSE_FOLDER=Choose Folder"
;to "LCL_CHOOSE_FOLDER=Folderenn Zelectin"
;But do NOT change it to "LCL_FOLDERENN_ZELECTIN=Folderenn Zelectin"
;The "&" character in strings is the Windows shortcut key.
;For instance, "mnuFile.Caption=&File" sets the File menu
;caption to "File" with the "F" underlined, and a
;shortcut key of "Alt+F".
;Changing that to "mnuFile.Caption=F&ile" would underline
;the "i" instead, and make the shortcut key "Alt+I"
;All the items that look like %%something%% are things that the
;program will automatically replace
;For instance, the line "LCL_ANALYZING=Analyzing %%filename%%" will
;appear in the program as something like
;"Analyzing C:MusicRockMe.mp3"
;So leave those %%something%% items spelled EXACTLY the same. But
;you can move them around in the string if necessary.
;For instance, you could change the previous example to
;"LCL_ANALYZING=%%filename%% is being analysed"
;so that it would show up in the program as
;"C:MusicRockMe.mp3 is being analysed"
;Oh, and the "LCL_xxx" strings are ones that are used in the code.
;The "xxx.Caption" and "xxx.Text" and "xxx.ToolTipText" strings
;are the graphical components built into the forms. That should
;not really affect your translation efforts, it's just for your
;If you have any questions about what any of these strings mean
;(how they are used in the GUI), just e-mail me at the address
;found on the "Help->About" screen.
;If you want a complete test scenario to make sure you have
;translated everything, ask me. I am putting together a list
;of steps that should make every string in this file
;appear at least once while you do them.