Dear Suppliers,
Pls be noted that P&G BKK plant will have a special session of Safety , Quality and Unload process on Aug 24 @ 10-12 am, pls send your drive who is not unqualified yet to join the session, it is very importance for driver to get qualified in order to prevent the safety and quality risk during material unloading process. Pls be noted that effective Aug. 25th, P&G BKK plant will not allow un-qualified drive to do unloading so pls prioritize and send your people to do the qualification.
1. Need SIP/MSM both HC/SC to inform supplier to send unqualified driver to join Aug 24 session – Aug 19
2. We will increase this training to twice time per month, Teerawat will send out training calendar – Aug 30
3. We still support for special case for unqualified driver to deliver shipment to P&G until only Aug 24. Please help provide the shipment list.
4. Effective Aug 25, we do not allow unqualified driver to do unload at our WH.
5. We will support to provide special training for any urgent shipment.
Pls let me know if you have any questions on this