Ji Wu Jiu quickly took out some money, and said “this person is a wanted person by the court, if you don’t say, I am only afraid this Cui Fang Lou will bring upon bad luck”
Partially threatening and partially bribing, even if she doesn’t want to say, she can’t help it. Furthermore who will turn their backs against money. The madam took the money and kept it properly before saying “Indeed I have seen this person before, few days ago he came here once”
Ji Wu Jiu looked at her suspiciously, “there is so many people going in and out from here, he only came once, how can you remember so well?”
“Gentlemen Ji, this you wouldn’t know, he is rather poor but he still wanted to get our most popular lady to serve him, that is why he made an impression”
“O? Then what did he do here at the end?”