The Organizational Trust Model
Organizational trust is not a simple and unified concept. It requires us to take multiple factors into consideration.
To measure organizational trust, we need to assess five distinct dimensions. Four of these come from the
Mishra Model for Organizational Trust. They include the concepts of competence, openness and honesty,
concern and reliability. The fifth dimension, contributed by this study, is called "identification." The
Organizational Trust Index measures these five dimensions, defined here:
Competence, as it relates to organizational trust, involves the extent to which we see not only our coworkers
and leaders as effective, but also our organization as a whole. It measures how strongly we believe that our
organization will compete and survive in the marketplace.
Openness and Honesty are the words used most often when people are asked what contributes to
organizational trust. This dimension involves not only the amount and accuracy of information that is shared, but
also how sincerely and appropriately is it communicated.
Concern for Employees includes the feelings of caring, empathy, tolerance and safety that are exhibited when
we are vulnerable in business activities. Sincere efforts to understand feelings contribute to high trust levels in
any relationship. Reliability is determined by whether or not a coworker, team, supplier or organization acts
consistently and dependably. In other words, can we count on them to do what they say?
Identification measures the extent to which we hold common goals, norms, values and beliefs associated with
our organization's culture. This dimension indicates how connected we feel to management and to coworkers.
The model tested in this research illustrates strong relationships among these five dimensions and trust, job
satisfaction and perceived organizational effectiveness. Relationships among them were statistically significant.
Developing the Survey and Organizational Trust Index To create internationally valid research and a tool to help
organizations measure and improve trust, the team of researchers developed a survey and compiled the data to
The Organizational Trust ModelOrganizational trust is not a simple and unified concept. It requires us to take multiple factors into consideration.To measure organizational trust, we need to assess five distinct dimensions. Four of these come from theMishra Model for Organizational Trust. They include the concepts of competence, openness and honesty,concern and reliability. The fifth dimension, contributed by this study, is called "identification." TheOrganizational Trust Index measures these five dimensions, defined here:Competence, as it relates to organizational trust, involves the extent to which we see not only our coworkersand leaders as effective, but also our organization as a whole. It measures how strongly we believe that ourorganization will compete and survive in the marketplace.Openness and Honesty are the words used most often when people are asked what contributes toorganizational trust. This dimension involves not only the amount and accuracy of information that is shared, butalso how sincerely and appropriately is it communicated.Concern for Employees includes the feelings of caring, empathy, tolerance and safety that are exhibited whenwe are vulnerable in business activities. Sincere efforts to understand feelings contribute to high trust levels inany relationship. Reliability is determined by whether or not a coworker, team, supplier or organization actsconsistently and dependably. In other words, can we count on them to do what they say?Identification measures the extent to which we hold common goals, norms, values and beliefs associated withour organization's culture. This dimension indicates how connected we feel to management and to coworkers.The model tested in this research illustrates strong relationships among these five dimensions and trust, jobsatisfaction and perceived organizational effectiveness. Relationships among them were statistically significant.Developing the Survey and Organizational Trust Index To create internationally valid research and a tool to helporganizations measure and improve trust, the team of researchers developed a survey and compiled the data to
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