Zhao Feng didn’t put Huang Yun’s death in his eye, but the latter’s decision made him disappointed because Huang Yun didn’t even have the courage to fight.
All the two needed to do was to waste some time and Xing Chen would be killed by Lin Fan, Xiao Sun and Xu Ren, which would allow them to fight the Silver Striped Blood Corpse, which gave them a 60% chance of winning.
There was a saying: It wasn’t scary to have a gold-like enemy, but it was scary to pig-like partner.
At this moment there was only Zhao Feng left facing the Silver Striped Blood Corpse.
“It will be you soon!”
The Silver Striped Blood Corpse licked his lips and a whirlpool appeared from the bottom of his feet, which connected to the blood below.
The other side of the cave.
Xu Ren, Xiao Sun and Lin Fan had forced Xing Chen into a desperate situation.
The Xing family head had been injured before in the forest and he was now facing crazy attacks from the three and was on the verge of death.
Suddenly, Xu Ren, Xiao Sun and Lin Fan heard Huang Yun’s scream.
Turning their gaze to Huang Yun’s scream, they saw the latter’s body sliced in half and their hearts went cold.
“Not good! Brother Zhao… ”
Lin Fan couldn’t help but worry for Zhao Feng, but they were in a critical moment too because they needed to slay Xing Chen.
The latter was in a desperate situation but he clenched his teeth and fought back. Xing Chen knew that he needed to drag the fight out until Zhao Feng was killed by Lord Protector, which would turn the tides. The person that was facing the real danger was Zhao Feng.
Could he really face the Silver Striped Blood Corpse alone?
“Zhi… Zhi… ”
The Silver Striped Blood Corpse laughed gruesomely as it stood in the blood pond but Zhao Feng didn’t get affected by this. He drew his Golden Stairs Bow and laughed coldly: “Do you really think that I would let you succeed?”
As soon as his words finished…
He pulled back the Golden Stairs Bow’s string and a cold, sharp True Force appeared.
It was the True Force from the Heavenly Wind God Technique!
Three sets of three arrows with a sharp azure true force formed a triangle and sped at the Silver Striped Blood Corpse with lightning speed.
Three arrows flew at the Corpse's Eyes. The latter jumped up in fright and closed its eyes.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The arrows rebounded off the eyelids of the Silver Striped Blood Corpse and sparks flew everyone, but the corpse wasn’t injured at all.
------ This wasn’t outside of Zhao Feng’s expectations.
“Hateful brat… ”
The Silver Striped Blood Corpse retreated back a few steps in anger and shock.
Zhao Feng’s true aim with the other 2 sets of arrows was the Corpses’ knee and foot. The power of the 2 set of arrows could threaten those at the 3rd Sky, which made the Corpse retreat back a few steps. This meant that the latter had moved away from Huang Yun’s body.
The whirlpool underneath the corpse also suddenly disappeared at the same time.
The blood sacrifice had been stopped by Zhao Feng!
The Silver Striped Blood Corpses’ aim was to use a secret technique and suck Huang Yun’s blood to recover his strength.
If it was a normal person, their blood would have no effect on the Corpse. But Huang Yun was at the peak 2nd Sky and a lot of energy was contained in his blood.
“The True Force of the Heavenly Wind God Technique is indeed unique.” Zhao Feng thought as he pulled and released his bow multiple times, releasing attacks at the corpse.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The Silver Striped Blood Corpse took all the hits head on and it lept at Zhao Feng.
Zhao Feng held his bow and turned into several figures, which separated in different directions.
“Ignorant brat!”
The Silver Striped Blood Corpse mocked as it immediately recognised which figure was the true Zhao Feng. The latter’s heart shook and soon understood that even though the corpse was weak, his Illusion Fish movement wouldn’t be able to trick him.
The other figures disappeared as Zhao Feng’s true body gave off a green glow, which increased his speed even more.
The corpse missed and smashed the wall nearby into pieces.
Zhao Feng had reached a terrifying speed and he was as agile as a fish.
He fully circulate the Heavenly Wind God Technique and under the strange true force, his movement reached an entirely new level.
Furthermore, Zhao Feng’s speed skill had been merged with the Illusion Fish Picture.
At this moment in time, Zhao Feng’s speed was on par with those at the peak 3rd Sky. The corpse missed many times in a row and howled, creating an illusion with his mental energy.
If it was someone else, even if they were at the 4th Sky of the Ascended Realm, they would still be affected. But unfortunately, his opponent was Zhao Feng, who had almost full resilience against illusions.
“Lord Protector, it l