As happens in most organizations, information
technology become part of a higher education
institution. The challenge is how to understand IT
governance and implement governance structure
that is expected with the potential of IT can be
realized. The importance of enterprise governance
and IT governance has been recognized based on
the results of several studies. Governance,
organization, and leadership in the top 10 top IT
issues related to the university's strategic success.
Enterprise governance is a term that appears to
describe a framework that includes corporate
governance and business management aspects of an
organization. [1]. The achievement of good
governance relating to enterprise strategies and the
achievement of performance measures, allowing the
enterprise focus on what will be the key drivers of
the business in the future. Enterprise governance is
an overall picture of the aspects of management and
governance with the goal is achieved alignment
strategic objectives and good management in line
with expectations.
Figure 1: The enterprise governance framework [1]
Scope of enterprise governance is accountability
framework across the organization includes two
dimensions, conformance or corporate governance
and performance or business governance.
Compliance or conformance covering issues
relating to corporate governance such as the role of CEO, the role and composition of the board of
directors, control assurance, and risk management
to compliance. Performances include things that
will be faced by the enterprise forward with a focus
on strategy and value creation.
The second dimension indicates that the role of
enterprise governance is to provide a unified
framework to balance and maintained both of them.
It will certainly be obtained through an increased
focus on value creation as the driving organization
forward and the proper maintenance and adequate
control. Organization that is able to maintain
stability of performance and compliance have longterm
prospects are better [4].
Based on the two dimensions, enterprise
governance framework is built and its functions
related there, including information technology
(IT). It means that IT governance as part of
enterprise governance integration can’t be separated
from the other enterprise functions (finance,
marketing, etc.) so that the IT governance must be
able to reflect the principles of IT governance not
only widely view as part of IT, but also attached
overall of the enterprise. This justification has to be
one of the triggers why in COBIT 5 framework, IT
governance is not only seen as part of the
management function but also part of the overall
enterprise governance functions.
As happens in most organizations, informationtechnology become part of a higher educationinstitution. The challenge is how to understand ITgovernance and implement governance structurethat is expected with the potential of IT can berealized. The importance of enterprise governanceand IT governance has been recognized based onthe results of several studies. Governance,organization, and leadership in the top 10 top ITissues related to the university's strategic success.Enterprise governance is a term that appears todescribe a framework that includes corporategovernance and business management aspects of anorganization. [1]. The achievement of goodgovernance relating to enterprise strategies and theachievement of performance measures, allowing theenterprise focus on what will be the key drivers ofthe business in the future. Enterprise governance isan overall picture of the aspects of management andgovernance with the goal is achieved alignmentstrategic objectives and good management in linewith expectations.Figure 1: The enterprise governance framework [1]Scope of enterprise governance is accountabilityframework across the organization includes twodimensions, conformance or corporate governanceand performance or business governance.Compliance or conformance covering issuesrelating to corporate governance such as the role of CEO, the role and composition of the board ofdirectors, control assurance, and risk managementto compliance. Performances include things thatwill be faced by the enterprise forward with a focuson strategy and value creation.The second dimension indicates that the role ofenterprise governance is to provide a unifiedframework to balance and maintained both of them.It will certainly be obtained through an increasedfocus on value creation as the driving organizationforward and the proper maintenance and adequatecontrol. Organization that is able to maintainstability of performance and compliance have longtermprospects are better [4].Based on the two dimensions, enterprisegovernance framework is built and its functionsrelated there, including information technology(IT). It means that IT governance as part ofenterprise governance integration can’t be separatedfrom the other enterprise functions (finance,marketing, etc.) so that the IT governance must beable to reflect the principles of IT governance notonly widely view as part of IT, but also attachedoverall of the enterprise. This justification has to beone of the triggers why in COBIT 5 framework, ITgovernance is not only seen as part of themanagement function but also part of the overallenterprise governance functions.
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