The local self-government and free cities had a great historical role in overcoming the
medieval absolutism and in the development of the so-called civilian society and
democracy. This especially in England and Scotland, Switzerland, Holland and the British
colonies in America. But, even worldwide since time began, in the process over which a
man grew to a "political beast", there were certain local communities, first on the blood,
then tribal and after that on the territorial basis. It is well known how much Solon was
praised for his reforms by means of which the clan system was abolished and foundations
laid for a political community of the citizens of Athens. The Attic poleis, like Sparta and
Athens, were the poleis featured by very different systems, that is political regimes.
Incidentally, a mention should be made here that classical democracy was idealized in
numerous papers written during this century, which reflected with many thinkers and
political actors (e.g. Rousseau), and that further research work presents a different picture