The safety of wheelchair-seated passengers in public
transport has been a subject of great interest during recent
years. Resolving the safety problems by means of technical
solutions is a complex issue, because safety depends on
many factors. It could be seen as the interaction between
human beings and technology. In some countries, special
transportation services (STS), paratransit or dial-a-ride services
using small vans are important modes of transport
for wheelchair users. The vehicles used in these services
must be designed and specially equipped for the safe access
and transport of wheelchairs in order to prevent accidents.
However, it is not only the vehicle that is important, but
also the wheelchair and its user, the driver and the assisting
personnel as well as other people involved in the transport
system. McKee (1998) describes the system interaction by
introducing the term “interface”.
The Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA),
i.e. the authority responsible for road traffic safety, has