In Bangladesh potato is grown during the driest months of the year. The soil
moisture during the growing period of potato crop is one of the main limiting
factors for its successful cultivation; Ahmed (1982) noted that better results may
be achieved from frequent and liberal application of water. Judicious utilization
of water is very important. Water requirement of crops depends on the rate of
evapotranspiration which depends on climatic conditions, soil type and
physiology. The water requirement of potato plant at different phases of its
growth is different. The most sensitive phases are the stolonization and beginning
of tuberization phases. At these phases, the water requirement is the greatest.
Sufficient amount of soil moisture is also necessary at tuber bulking stage for
proper development of tubers (Steiweck, 1958). The frequency of irrigation at
different stages of growth and development of potato determines the yield and
quality of potato (Karim, 1979).