The paper argues that organizational culture significantly influences employee performance and productivity in the dynamic emerging context. The paper has approached interviews were conducted in GP, the biggest cellular operator in Bangladesh with more than 32 million subscribers and GP, as a public limited company. Top management displays strength in upholding the rules and regulations of the organization and adds to the strong culture. If the rules and regulations of an organization are strongly defined, it can promote better employee performance and productivity. Therefore, GP has the rules and regulations so all the employee follow. An experienced organization like GP defines its organizational goals and strategic objective to meet its vision for the organization’s future. The objective is a key factor behind the success of the GP has a powerful corporate culture and their own culture is contributing to employee performance and manufacturing efficiency.GP can be believed to have successfully attained employee satisfaction through employee performance. Influencer behind its attainment and through this culture relates its employees with the goals and objectives of the organization. The paper demonstrated that numerous attributes of organizational culture have significant positive influence over the performance of organization.