in series with a lead-lag compensator for all class of inte-grating processes with time delay; their method is based ondirect synthesis, and using the pole zero cancellation to sim-plify the controller and set point weighting is used to reducethe overshoot for dynamics response. The main reason forusing the PID controller cascaded with a lead-lag compensatoris to provide improved performance without tribulation. Andthe selection of tuning parameter was to change value of thetuning parameter as equal to half of the time delay of the pro-cesses, and to observe whether the selected value achieve agood control performance. If not, the tuning parameter canbe increased gradually from this value till good control per-formances are achieved. The tuning parameters are selectedby simulation. Jeng et al. (2013) proposed a method for PIDcontroller tuning using the step response data of the processwhich needn’t to resort the process model.