EYE PROTECTION: Wear safety glasses with side shields when handling this product.
Wear additional eye protection such as chemical splash goggles
and/or face shield when the possibility exists for eye contact with
splashing or spraying liquid, or airborne material. Have an eye wash
station available.
SKIN PROTECTION: Avoid skin contact by wearing chemically resistant gloves and long
sleeved shirt. An apron may be appropriate if splashing can occur.
Skin absorption may potentially contribute to the overall exposure to
this material. Appropriate measures should be taken to prevent
absorption so that the TLV is not invalidated.
GLOVES: Nitrile
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Respiratory protection may be required to avoid overexposure when
handling this product. Use a respirator if general room ventilation is
not available or sufficient to eliminate symptoms. NIOSH approved
air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge.
Respirators should be selected by and used following requirements
found in OSHA's respirator standard (29 CFR 1910.134).
VENTILATION: Use local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to
minimize exposures.