1. Answer argumentative. Because the authors have proposed various reasons. Support to stop using DDT
2. Answer DDT is still around - and still amenance. Because the article mention that DDT use is everywhere, and also threaten the world
3. Answer A global treaty that would phase out DDT and 11 other notorious toxic pesticides should be enacted very soon. Because at the end of the article, the author talks on a treaty to ban the use of DDT worldwide
4. Answer to illustrate the serious threats caused by DDT and. other pesticides. Because many of the original author quoted research that showed the effects of DDT on human health and the environment
5. Answer Controlling the use of DDT that has not yet been successful for long. Because of the article, the author says. It's most developed countries using DDT, but also five developing countries, many of which are still in use. The suspension DDT use worldwide are still not successful for a long time peopl