Consider some recreation activity you may have an interest in. Suppose you are interested
in gardening - but have never tried it. Great! Let's take a look at how you can learn about
it, do it, and in the process get connected to your community in ways you may have never
imagined. We are using gardening here as an example, but remember it could have been
anything from bike racing to computer programming. So you want to try gardening. Let's
pretend you know very little about gardening. The first thing would be to ask your
friends, family and staff for some suggestions. To get more information about gardening
you begin to use your local library as a real resource - checking out books about
gardening. While you are at the library, you notice the community events bulletin board
and see that there are many events and organizations doing things in your community that
you would like to know more about. For that matter, look at your newspaper’s
community events calendar.