Generation Y (Why Generation) is a group of people born between the years 2523 to 2533, aged 38 - 28 years, a group of people who grew up with computers and technology. Age is just getting into her work. Exhibitionism character Is the higher self. Not like in the frame, and the like conditions. They want to be clear on what it is doing the work, and to influence the agencies'. It also has the ability to work on communication. And also many different jobs at the same time as the Gen-Y consumers are impatient. To see all the results achieved quickly because they believe in their own potential Gen-Y group of people believe that success in life is going to work hard. Their travel behavior Will focus on the rest of the chaos in the city. Stress causes This group would like to go to places of natural or place that makes him feel. To relax away from the stress of the city. The sights of the sea, mountains, waterfalls, such as Gen Y to backpack around.