from the sun and send it to Earth in a very powerful energy However, it's difficult for humans to work on the solar stations because of the cold and because of the electron storms. so robots were developed to do the work of human workers, and now only two humans are needed at each station. We're trying now to develop robots which can the work of those two humans. You're the highest type of robot ever made, and if you can control this station independently, then no human will need to come here except to bring parts for repair Powell. "You expect to red eyes stared at me believe that complicated explanation? Enormous emptiness! Three billion human beings! Sorry, Powell, but I don't believe it." He turned and walked out of the room. He passed Michael Donovan at the door without a word. Donovan rubbed his red hair. "What doesn't he believe?" he asked Powell Powell pulled his moustache. "He doesn't believe that we made him. He doesn't believe that there are stars and planets and space. He's going to investigate everything himself. Donovan was annoyed "Well, I hope he'll explain it all to me. I don't like him, anyway he asks too many questions. Cutie knocked gently and entered. 'Is Powell here? Mike Donovan spoke from behind a large chicken sandwich. "He's collecting information we think that we're moving into an electron storm. As he spoke, Gregory Powell came into the officers' room. "Yes, I think a storm is on its way. But the information isn't