There are many racial groups in Myanmar. It is one of the South East Asia Countries. Kachin people are one among them who were a nomadic community. It is important to mention about their origin, migration, name, the location of the Kachin state, traditions and languages.
Most of the Kachins live in their own land .They had a separate country before the British Rule but then it became a part of Myanmar after their regime. Total area of the Kachin land measures about 33,903 square miles, located between 23’ -3 to 28’ -29 N latitude and 96’-99 E longitudes. Kachin land is adjoining with Peoples Republic of China in the East, Democratic Republic of India in the west, Tibet in the north and Myanmar in the South. About 50% of the total area of the Kachin land is hills and mountains up to the height of 5881 meters above the sea level. Kachin land is rich in natural resources .Jade (precious green stone) and teak-timbers are the best in quality, and production of gold per unit area is the highest, in the world.