Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the reading. Write complete sentences.
1. What kind of slave owners were Moses and Susan Carver?
Answers They were kind and generous.
2. Why did Carver go from place to place for 12 years or more of his life?
Answers He was trying to get an education.
3. Why was it difficult for Carver to get an education?
Answers Black Americans were not allowed to attend some schools.
4. Why did Booker Washington ask him to work at the Tuskegee Institute? .
Answers BookerT. Washington had heard of theimportant agricultural research thatGeorge Washington Carver had done.
5. Why did Carver decide to go to work at the Tuskegee Institute?
Answers He wanted to support a school that black Americans attended.
6. How did Carver's discoveries change farming in the South?
Answers Many farmers switched from cotton to peanuts.