The Tax Office told us that they sent you a letter on October 21st, 2015. The letter is enclosed number 2. The letter is about the tax on your income in Belgium for the year 2014. It is very important that you sign the original letter en send it back to Controle Brussel Buitenland, Finance Tower 18P, Kruidtuinlaan 50/3424, 1000 Brussel, Belgium. If you want to have a reduction on the tax that has been paid in Belgium you have to enclose two documents:
First document: If you have persons who live in your house and they have no income (for example: your parents or your children) you have to give up their names and date of birth. Therefor you have to go to your community office. They know what document they have to give to you.
Second document: The second document you must ask at the Tax office in Thailand. They know what document they have to give to you and they give it quickly. In that document your income in Thailand has to be mentionned.
It is very important that you send the signed letter of the Belgian Tax Office and the two documents of Thailand before December 31th, 2015 to the Belgian Tax Office: