The established general regularity was less expressed at the stage of the solar cycle increase (1995–2001), most probably, because of the SW weakness in the respective period. However, even in this period, the points 4d and 5d have the largest amplitude in the interval before the conjunction. Then, the velocity decreases and increases again after the point þ4d , as in the cumulative plot. Besides, a position of the velocity minimum remains the same for all three periods, i.e., it takes place in the third or the fourth day after the opposition; the average SW velocity being 415 km/s for the entire sample of 54 intervals of oppositions. Let us remind that the resulting curve in Fig. 2 was obtained by adding and averaging the velocities in the respective phases of the three periods, and scale along the vertical axis in Fig. 3 is five times less. Data on the SW density in 54 intervals of the inferior conjunctions in 1997–2013 were taken from the same source and processed by a similar way (Fig. 4). Although the curves of variation of the velocity and density are similar to each other, the density variations are characterized by larger scattering: 712% for SW density (5.0670.62 cm3 ) and 72.9% for the velocity (415712.1 km/s). This seems to be caused by the degree of variability of the parameters themselves: while the SW velocity typically changes by 2–3 times depending on the solar activity, the SW density can change by an order of magnitude and even greater after the flares and transients. 4