Results across experiments
The pooled mean (±1 SD) clearance rate of A. tonsa nauplii feeding on A. anophagefferens was 7.7 (±7.1) µL nauplius −1 h−1, whereas nauplii cleared on average 13.7 (±7.8) µL nauplius −1 h −1 on I. galbana and 5.4 (±5.3) µL nauplius−1 h −1 on M. pusilla. The overall carbon ingestion rate of nauplii fed a diet of 100% A. anophagefferens was 292.9 ng C nauplius−1 day−1 (Table III), 230.8 ng C nauplius−1 day−1 on I. galbana and 186.9 ng C nauplius−1 day−1 on M. pusilla. Mean ingestion rates of nauplii fed mixed diets were lower overall than when nauplii were provided a single algal type (Table IV). Overall, A. tonsa nauplii significantly preferred I. galbana and avoided A. anophagefferens (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P < 0.05; Table II). In summary, A. tonsa nauplii grew better on the larger-celled control alga I. galbana than in treatments with either A. anophagefferens or M. pusilla, even though grazing was, at times, higher on A. anophagefferens (Table V).