3.3. Specific heat of the non-damaged PCMs—determination of the experimental parameters
3.3.1. “Fast” approach: DSC exploitation
In Fig. 4, the heat fluxes values of non-damaged PCMs recorded
at T1⁄410 1C and T1⁄450 1C with different scanning rates are pre- sented. Linear interpolation was used for the approximation of the heat flux with respect to the heating rate beyond the phase change interval. Note that the temperatures of 10 1C and 50 1C, respec- tively before and after the PCMs melting were considered such as the heat flux curves given in Fig. 2 are quite continuous and not affected by the PCMs phase change. Based on Eq. (3), the derivative of the heat flux with respect to the scanning rate allows the determination of the specific heat of the sample: