Unlike Internet dating participants who are primarily looking for romantic relationships
among people previously unknown to them, Facebook users are looking for friendships
as well as romantic relationships among two types of people: (1) those they know in
person, and (2) those they do not know in person. A major function of Facebook is to help
the users connect with those they already know and extend that connection to those they
do not yet know. However, due to the mixing of these two different types of people in the
audience, Facebook allows users to engage in targeted performances by blocking certain
viewers from viewing certain parts of their Facebook accounts. As people present themselves
differently to different audiences—for example, people won’t tell their neighbors
everything they tell their family members—we also expect Facebook users to tailor their
online presentations to particular audiences. In sum, we hypothesize that Facebook users
will engage in what people on Internet dating sites were found doing—the presentation of
their hoped-for possible selves, but the way they do that may differ due to the unique characteristics
of the Facebook environment.
Unlike Internet dating participants who are primarily looking for romantic relationshipsamong people previously unknown to them, Facebook users are looking for friendshipsas well as romantic relationships among two types of people: (1) those they know inperson, and (2) those they do not know in person. A major function of Facebook is to helpthe users connect with those they already know and extend that connection to those theydo not yet know. However, due to the mixing of these two different types of people in theaudience, Facebook allows users to engage in targeted performances by blocking certainviewers from viewing certain parts of their Facebook accounts. As people present themselvesdifferently to different audiences—for example, people won’t tell their neighborseverything they tell their family members—we also expect Facebook users to tailor theironline presentations to particular audiences. In sum, we hypothesize that Facebook userswill engage in what people on Internet dating sites were found doing—the presentation oftheir hoped-for possible selves, but the way they do that may differ due to the unique characteristicsof the Facebook environment.
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