and where CD is the drag coefficient, Cm is the inertia coefficient, ρ is water density, D is diameter and View the MathML source, where T is the wave period. For FI > 2FD, Eq. (1) is no longer valid and the maximum total force is the maximum inertia force. Different wave periods are available from the SWAN model; the mean wave period (Tmm10 in SWAN) is considered here, which represents the period of the waves across the full energy spectrum, rather than just the peak frequency. Cm and CD were taken to be equal to 1 and assumed invariant with SLR. Different choices for the drag an inertia coefficient will not significantly change the results presented since we consider the ratio of the different forces under different SLR scenario. Estimates of the change in wave forces under each SLR scenario were calculated for three different values of coral diameter, 0.02 m, 0.5 m and 2 m, representative of coral sections for a range of coral species across the spectrum from branching to massive.