It could only be thought of as purposely taunting him, saying that with a dazzling smile.
「Pff……….I’m extremely sorry. I said too much」
It seemed as though Erika also was aware of it.
But more than that, for Harold it baffling at how naturally Erika was talking to him. On top of that, in this exchange too, she wasn’t feminine.
「Hmph, if you want to say some worthless nonsense, then play around with your servant or something」
「Please wait」
Erika blocked Harold’s path when he wanted to leave this place as fast as possible.
The agitation at not being able to read Erika’s aim turned into irritation and his mouth became even more severe.
「Move, I don’t have any time for you. Even if there were, I’d crush them all」
「However, in that case I won’t be able to talk properly with Harold-sama」
「Right, which is convenient」
「Unfortunately, I can’t let that happen. At least only for now, please spare me some of your time」
Erika’s appearance from which only gracefulness like a flower could be felt until now, for some reason he felt her to be unshakeable like a big tree with deep roots in the ground. In short, it didn’t feel as though she would move even an inch.
So this is the pressure from a character of the game, huh- Harold losing to that clicked his tongue, and with his sullen aura in full throttle, he spoke to her.
「……….If you have any business, quickly finish it」