During the presentation stage, the participants learned to pronounce and spell words, phrases, and sentences accurately.
In this stage, students are encouraged to sing along once or twice. In the practice stage, the participants practiced the pronunciation of final sounds in small groups, in pairs and individually. Each student had a chance to practice pronunciation individually or with other students. In the production stage, the researcher monitored students carefully in order to monitor the pronunciation ability of the group, as well as what they need to improved. To sum up this study was indicated that if the learners practiced the English songs about 10-5 minutes in each session have a positive effect on learners‟ pronunciation. Most of students said that the music added enjoyment to class and learning English pronunciation through songs helped them to learn more easily. Purcell (1992) said that the benefits of song even resound in the songs themselves. Because by singing hearts are made glad. The present study resulted that use of songs in this classes improved the students speaking and actually their‟ pronunciation, and that students were more motivated to participate in class activities and discussion. As a result of the introduction of these activities, the students are producing more oral language that expected. At first they were memorizing their‟ books conversation, and they could not be able to retell the dialogues with their own words, But after using songs in the classroom, They were able to speak more spontaneously and
therefore they not only started to speak but also they began to create their own dialogue, Furthermore, it caused to encourage students to participate, and built their confidence, and took more risks to speak in English.