In London, weird things happen to Henry: he gets a note warning him not to come to the mansion, two of his shoes are stolen, and a bad guy follows him. Holmes tells Watson to go the countryside with Henry to keep an eye on him. Watson notices strange things going on in the mansion. Henry falls in love with Beryl
It turns out, Jack is really Henry's uncle, though he keeps his mouth shut about it, so no one will know he is out to get the Baskerville money and mansion. And Beryl is really his wife. Jack used a real-live dog dabbed with glow-in-the-dark paint to scare Charles to death. Jack was the bearded man trailing Henry through London. He stole Henry's shoe to give the dog his scent. Jack also locked Beryl in her HOTEL ROOM, but she figured out a way to send Henry a warning to stay away from the mansion.
Finally, Jack lures Henry to his house at night, and when Henry is walking home, Jack sicks his mad-dog after him. Holmes shoots the dog in the nick of time and chases Jack into a swampy maze of quicksand, where Jack falls and sinks to his death.