Work stress of the Government Officials in the Mental Health Department Montha Chokchaipaisarn M.Sc.* ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was twofold: (1) to measure the stress level of the government officials in the Mental Health Department, and (2) to identify the factors contributing to their stress. A questionnaire was employed to collect the data from 132 officials in the Mental Health Department under the Ministry of Public Health. They were selected by quota sampling. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Person?s Correlation and F-test. The findings were briefly stated as follows : Most of the respondents were female and single. They had a Bachelor?s degree and were 41 years old or more. They had worked for the Mental Health Department for at least 15 years. Overall, the sample group experienced stress at a low level the four aspects of stress which they experienced at a moderate level were fear of making marking mistakes, frustration, worry and discouragement. When the hypotheses were tested, it was found that age, marital status, work experience and education did not contributor to a different degree of stress. Conversely, relationship with superior and flexibility of the work regulation were negatively related with their stress at the 0.01 level. But relationship with colleagues, though negatively related to the stress, was not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. On the contrary, duty and responsibility was positively related to the stress level at the 0.05 level. Keyword : stress , Mental Health Department