systemizing relationship that one side (principals)
assigns work and the other side (agent) performs
it. And a problem of agent happens when a
shareholder (principals) employs a manager
(agent). So, relationship between an operator or
agent causes a problem; and an executive may not
create highest interest for shareholders or operator.
And, moreover, the agent takes informativeness of
the operator to be used for his own sake; and it
will cause transaction costs of operation called
agency costs.
Next theoretical concept on effi cient market
hypothesis or EMH: It means that the market of
which stock prices reflect overall information
and data occurring in the market concerning
stock/property, including response to relevant
information and data. Such a viewpoint is based
on belief that investors can get informed about
overall information and data in a form of the
Stock Exchange prices, which decision is made
on the Stock Exchange turnover. In this respect,
Fama (1970) provided effi cient market hypothesis
that the present prices of the Stock Exchange
would refl ect the capital market research based
on hypothesis which effi cient capital market was
in lines of information and data available for the
Data Analysis
Summary of descriptive statistics consists of
mean, median and standard deviation of variables
interested in the study that can be presented as
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 presented descriptive statistics of
overall observation consisting of mean, median
and standard deviation of all variables. Mean,
median and standard deviation of earnings
persistence (EAR_PER) equal to 0.1023, 0.0616
and 0.7409 respectively. And for mean of (Rt),
earnings informativeness equals to 0.4001; and
median and standard deviation do to 0.2091,
0.9903 respectively.