DPPH, OH radical scavenging and FTC assays were performed
to evaluate the free radical scavenging activity of H.
rhamnoides using ascorbic acid and a-tocopherol as standards.
The results confirmed that H. rhamnoides extract showed a
concentration dependent radical scavenging activity. The
IC50 value for DPPH assay was found to be 70.91 lg/ml as
seen in Fig. 1a. The extract was also found to show considerable
OH radical scavenging activity, the highest scavenging
effect was found to be 86.24% at 1.4 mg/ml, with IC50 value
being 0.463 mg/ml (Fig. 1b). As OH radical scavenging activity
is an important factor for evaluating antioxidant property
the present study shows that the H. rhamnoides is an efficient
antioxidant. FTC results portrayed that the extract possesses
comparable lipid peroxidation activity with that of standard.