From these three windows, it can be realized that mobile roaming control is actually careless issueand there might not be problem in the sense of policy window model. This is because, from problem window, numerous feedbacks about mobile roaming is in media eye views and almost all parts of the world have made great effort in practical so it is a problem in broad level not to national level since agenda setting authorities seemingly did not hear people voice. For policy window, as knowledge of specialists become expanding, it is proved that the benefit of mobile roaming control is outweigh the costs; the tendency of more call or longer call will be multiplied when lower roaming rate but it is true that mobile service operators is rather oligopoly because there are many business congestions for new operator. Besides from these, government sectors play a minor role in addendum on ATRC Intra-ASEAN Mobile Roaming Rates (MRR) to the Record of Intent (ROI) and ASEAN ICT Master Plan 2015. Because they were declared and advocated by former government, there may be low priority to set it as agenda.