Winter is the season with the coldest in.? Winter in warm temperate zone of the northern hemisphere and region.Generally the period from November to mid-February of each year. In this period, the northeast monsoon has covered, Thailand. The temperature drops in general, air is cold.Since the area down to the Narathiwat
.We can make the body warm by wearing thick. Drink warm water, and when it's cold will make ผิวแห้งได้.We can solve the problem by lotion skin to make the skin soft and moist. ได้ทุกฤดู lotion can be applied. How to relieve cold another way to do it is to fire. Widely used in the northeast.
.Sometimes caused the air cool too.As well as the fever cold. To feel the air around cool unusual in Thailand is no winter. Only the cold season because the weather is very hot near the equator. Moreover, global warming up.