germination of B. cinerea (y 5 2.3760 1 1.3221x, R2 5 0.9976)
and P. capsici (y 5 1.2270 1 2.0763x, R2 5 0.9950) (Fig. 3). The
methanol extract showed stronger inhibitory effect on P. capsici than
B. cinerea when its concentration was higher than 25 mg/mL where
methanol extract at 1000 mg/mL showed an inhibitory rate of 95.5%
(probit 5 6.70) and 82.3% (probit 5 5.93) on the spore germination
of P. capsici and B. cinerea, respectively. The EC50 of methanol extract
on P. capsici and B. cinerea was 65.63 and 96.54 mg/mL, respectively.