4.3. Complex uranium migration penetrating sedimentary cover
Why is uranium enriched in the near-surface or surface fine-grained
soil? The sequential selective leaching method was used to study the
occurrences of uranium in operationally defined forms, i.e., (i) water
extractable, (ii) adsorbed and exchangeable onto clay minerals, (iii) occluded
in secondary carbonate, and (iv) adsorbed on coatings of Fe–Mn
oxides. This showed that uranium is largely adsorbed on clays, which
range from 17.9% to 40% (average 30.4%) of the total mineral content
of the soil, and occluded in secondary carbonate, which varies from
10.9% to 15.9% (average 13.9%) of the soil (Table 8).
4.3. Complex uranium migration penetrating sedimentary coverWhy is uranium enriched in the near-surface or surface fine-grainedsoil? The sequential selective leaching method was used to study theoccurrences of uranium in operationally defined forms, i.e., (i) waterextractable, (ii) adsorbed and exchangeable onto clay minerals, (iii) occludedin secondary carbonate, and (iv) adsorbed on coatings of Fe–Mnoxides. This showed that uranium is largely adsorbed on clays, whichrange from 17.9% to 40% (average 30.4%) of the total mineral contentof the soil, and occluded in secondary carbonate, which varies from10.9% to 15.9% (average 13.9%) of the soil (Table 8).
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