Have identified the main person for the coordination for the response plan who is able to speak fluent English and Thai.
The location for the Emergency Control Centre will be at the Telephone Operator Room behind reception area which is located on elevated ground.
Front of House Staff have been brief on the procedures to handle situations should a crisis occur. An intensive training is conducted on yearly basis for all personnel concerned who will play the important role during the crisis.
Front Office Staff will especially be trained more intensively to handle situations.
Have identified staff members on each shift (3 staff) to act as liaison offices to act accordingly and advise their own department staff on what to do (procedures) during the crisis.
Have identifies the Safe Zone which is hotel’s top roof for immediate evacuation plan. The top roof is situated at the highest level of the whole hotel complex.
Staff have been brief about the evacuation plan to the top roof area and will implementing further training and communications.
When a warning is received, trained identified staff (3 staff) will be deployed to hotel building to immediately help evacuate and direct all guest to proceed to the Safe Zone.
Current on going procedures being carried at the Front Office:
• In house guest list are printed 2 times a day, morning and evening.
• All arrival Guests including children will have their passports photo copies and attached to the completed registration card. During an evacuation all the registration cards and in house guest list will be top priority to be collected by GM / FOM for safer grounds and safe keeping.
• Observations are made by staff upon checking in to notice if guest are disable or handicap and to make note on the registration card and a separate check list at the Front Office mentioning the disability and room numbers.
• Front Office have set aside and ready to use 500 pieces of luggage tags which will be used to tag all guest on their hand ( wrist ) SHOULD the command from the Police or Higher Authority to evacuate every body from the Hotel. The tags will be immediately corresponded to the In-house Guest list with the room numbers.
• Every department must submit the name list of all staff working on the 3 shifts to the front office with a copy for their department on a daily basis. The hotel will be able to keep track of all staff that is working for the day.
• Night Shift Staff is attending a much more intensive training program on how to handle the situation as there are very few staff working at the night shift.
• All important telephone numbers have been attained and the telephone operator have trained on to how to contact the relevant personals. All management staff will be contacted immediately.