decisions and verify the progressive return of investment.The whole organization focused on asset utilization and optimization. The maintaining function is perceived as value added by management. The maintenance data collection system is utilized by management. Operators are used for first line maintenance functions in some areas. More than 90% of overall equipment availability is calculated on key assets, processes and facilities. More than 90% of operational decisions are made taking into account equipment reliability and availability. More than 75% from the right soft skills training classes (such as leadership) have been conducted for maintenance supervisors. Less than 59% from the right technical training have been conducted for appropriate personnel. The Financial effect of equipment availability is not got by everyone.From 75% to 89% of non- emergency work orders are completed within four weeks of initial request. Work order planning specific job instructions or job plan. From 10% to 20% of planned work orders experiencing delays due to poor or in complete plans. The maintenance planner is responsible for planning the work orders. Maintenance job schedules are issued biweekly. Maintenance and production/facilities are scheduled for daily meeting. The backlog of maintenance work is available by date needed. After of the job is completed, the actual time, material, downtime and other information is reported by the supervisor of the group. From 75% to 89% of time are actual measure compared to that estimated for monitoring planning effectiveness. Bothe of planner and supervisor are report to same maintenance manager.
From 80% to 95% of time are materials in stores when required by maintenance organization. From 75% to 80% of items in inventory appears in maintenance stores catalog. A person from maintenance staff control stocked as maintenance inventory items. The maintenance store catalog is produced by alphabetic and numeric listing. More than 95% of aisle and bin location is specified for the stores. More than 95% of