The drying rate of the durian chips in the MWVC also increased at lower pressure levels in the same way as for the microwave power.
MWHA drying provided higher drying rates than MWVC drying.
The dried durian chips from the combined microwave techniques provided higher values of lightness and crispness, large pore sizes and large void area fraction, but lower shrinkage and hardness than those from the HA drying.
The specific energy consumption (SEC) of the combined microwave techniques was lower than for the HA drying method.
The SECs decreased with an increase in microwave power and pressure levels.
Incomparison to commercial fried durian chips, the chips from the combined microwave techniques were less preferred in terms of colour, shape (puffiness), texture and overall preference, while the overall preference of dried durian chips from MWHA was higher than MWVC.