“It’s impossible to deny that the good projects for women stand out like flint rocks on dry, crusted earth,” says Stewart. “That’s true for women in my age group, which is why we’re all jumping so ravenously on those projects. I think women have always had to fight a little bit harder, and I don’t think that’s going to change instantly. But I think Maggie’s right, and that things are moving forward.” Despite the fact that more moviegoers are women, she notes, male leads dominate the screen, because that’s what studios and producers think is “safe”. This is an essentially archaic idea. “We sell our audiences short,” she continues. “Nowadays, movies are financed almost purely out of systematic fear, like, ‘OK, this project is going to assure me a paycheck,’ or ‘this movie is sure to get me my money back, based on an equation created by a research scientist.’ There’s no risk anymore. And it’s so cliché to say, but in order to do really great things, we need to take risks.” - See more at: http://www.wonderlandmagazine.com/2015/02/kristen-stewart-cover-story/#sthash.w9F2babt.dpuf