Chapter 302 – National Beauty
TL: Pharmacists produce health potions whereas Alchemists produce mana potions
Ai Ze La (Epic Tier) : Alchemy LV 10 , Economic Capability 99, Permanent Cost 42000G
My eyes widened, “I got it! I got it!”
One Second Hero gripped his hand and anxiously asked, “Boss, what kind of an pharmacist did you get?”
“An Epic Tier!”
Reaching out, I waved over the party chat and the Epic Tier pharmacist’s stats were shared. At that moment, Song Han, Matcha, and Fox were all stunned. Matcha blinked a few times and said, “I just looked it up, the Economic Capability implies the amount the NPC can produce in a given time. The higher the Economic Pace, the more he can produce. Boss… we can’t miss this Epic Tier hero level alchemist opportunity. Let’s permanently hire him?!”
“But it’s so expensive. Right now the exchange rate is 1:5, and this hero is more than 200,000 RMB, so costly……..”
“No problem.” One Second Hero picked up his spear and said, “Let’s buy him. I’ll pay for the cost of the NPC shop assistants as well. Boss, we should build it well. Think about the profits we can get from this. Right now, in Ba Huang City the best alchemists can only produce Lv 8 potions. If we suddenly come out with Lv 10 potions, then the price will definitely be higher and our net profit will definitely be shocking. We can get 200,000 RMB back before the week is over and to top it off, it’s a one time payment for a permanent shop assistant.
As he was talking, he then emphasized one more point, “I’ll give you the money to hire an NPC. I know that [Zhan Long] doesn’t have a lot of money right now. I’m not just doing this for [Zhan Long] but also for the 10% profit!”
I reached out, and “Ding”, the Epic Tier pharmacist Ai Ze La appeared behind me. His hands rested at his side as he respectfully said, “Owner, do you have any commands?”
I let him stand on the side and continued refreshing the NPC list. My luck was pretty good and after refreshing 5 times, another Epic Tier pharmacist appeared, it was time to hire him!
My hand shook a little. How is this a game? This is practically a game of money! Within 10 minutes, I had 10 Epic Tier hero level pharmacists and I had spent a total of 2.7 million RMB, it was almost a little crazy. One Second Hero, on the other hand, seemed fairly calm. He leaned on his shield and stood at the side and smiled as he said, “Continue. This shop can use another 10 alchemists. Mana potions are also in high demand!”
I nodded and continued. I spent another 2.9 million RMB for our shop to have 10 Epic Tier alchemists who could all produce Lv 10 pills. To think, once they start working, we’ll get a fortune in profits!
Afterward, we permanently hired another 3 smiths and 3 equipment appraisers. Those didn’t cost much since the smiths were only 1000G each. The appraisers were slightly more expensive, around 5000G each since the Epic Tiers could produce without needing to pick medicines or hunt to produce health or mana potions, thus they were naturally more expensive since they didn’t require any capital.
Bringing along with me a line of people, I returned to [Zhan Long]’s shop. Afterwards I set out the potions onto a counter a began preparing a counter for items. On another counter I prepared a place to repair and create weapons. Everything was set!
Ten of the hero level alchemists obediently stood in front of the counter and began working when I, the shop owner, commanded them to and I could see the progress of their work. One of them had an Economic Capability of 100 and took 120 seconds to make one Lv 10 red potion, which was a quality potion that could recover 3000 health in a gulp. Within an hour, the total was around 280 of those potions and within a day they could produce 6,720 bottles. Every potion was at least 20G, which would earn us 134,400G. If we were to convert that at the current rate then it would mean that we could earn 672,000 RMB in a day. Damn, we could earn back the money used to hire the shop assistants in 8 days!
When I thought up to that point, I began to get excited. But, after scanning around the shop, I became discouraged again. To think that I had to pay a 50% income tax. That meant that 50% of the money would go to the city officials. Motherf*cker, I knew there wasn’t anything as good as this. Of course the game officials !
“How much should we sell our Lv 10 potions for?” I asked
One Second Hero took a deep sigh and said, “Normally, people won’t use Lv 10 potions unless they were PKing outside of the city or fighting with a high level BOSS, but since Ba Huang City will probably have a lot of guild battles in the future, it would be extremely uncommon for players to have those potions before alchemist players rush to Lv 10 so it can be a bit more expensive. We can just lower the price in the future.”
“Yea, sure. That price is not too high and not too low. It’s very reasonable!”
And thus, I set the price of all red potions to 20G each. It was a little underhanded, since it was around 100RMB to drink a potion and ordinary players couldn’t afford to spend that much, but this type of medicine was never meant to be given to ordinary players. We were selling to the high-end players, it was to get the money of people like Jian Feng Han and Simple. For someone like Jian Feng Han who has a high paying job, it would be a shame to his reputation as the war veteran of the generation if he didn’t bring 50 bottles of Lv 10 potions. As for Simple, a high level Mage like her requires a lot of mana, and Lv 10 potions were just what she needs. Simple Mu Rong Yu is the little miss of Mu Rong Real Estate and naturally does not lack any money. On top of that, there’s people like Wang Ze Cheng, Flying Dragon and Li Ying; We were going to get our profits from people like those.
Once I finished up there, I set down the prices for the blacksmiths, which was basically 15% cheaper than refining at an NPC shop. That way we would get 20% of the profit and the rest would go toward taking care of the shop, which, as usual profited the system. In reality, the amount we were earning was relatively a lot. Everyday there’s a lot of people who need to repair their weapons and our shop was even right next to a medicine shop. Earning money like this wasn’t too bad.
Finally, it was time to set up the appraisers…..
I fished out an equipment. It was the Emperor Tier leg guards that Jian Feng Han dropped, Ottoman Battle Knee Guards. They had 17% Magic Resistance, 7% Physical Resistance, and added 500 points to the user’s Health. All in all, it was pretty good. Besides, it also had the [Ottoman Glory] special effect that gives 10 minutes of 5% increase in attack. If I didn’t already have my Dragon Knight’s Leg Guards’ [Dragon Knight’s Recovery] special effect, I would’ve switched to this pair of Ottoman Knee Guards.