the research lesson system increases the likelihood
that teachers will hear opposing points of view, rather than hear only from likeminded
6. Create Demand for Improvement
Demand occurs when educators want to improve their practice. Research lessons
may be seen as a way of creating demand.
Shape National Policy
One way this
happens is that ideas pioneered by classroom teachers at research lessons may spread
to other teachers, and, eventually, be made part of the national curriculum.
A second route of policy influence is through the outside commentators
invited to research lessons; often these individuals have been active in the
development of a new topic or approach. They may be classroom teachers, district
resource teachers, university professors, or policymakers. When they attend research
lessons, they see how students and teachers are grappling with new subject matter, or
with goals such as “initiative” and “autonomy
8. Honor the Central Role of Teachers
Although I initially found these vague goals -- provided
without accompanying concrete examples -- frustrating, they may reflect an
underlying assumption that policymakers cannot define good classroom practice.
Instead, research lessons provide a systematic way for teachers to bring policy to life,
thoughtfully and collaboratively, in the classroom.