The authors used the following USEIT data sources for this study: (a) the
district survey, (b) the principal survey, (c) the teacher survey, and (d) site
visit ratings. The district, principal, and teacher surveys included a large
number of items that focused on a variety of issues related to IT. Some of
these issues included the ways and frequency with which instructional
technologies were used, availability and participation in professional development
related to IT, beliefs about teaching, learning and IT, obstacles
to technology use, pressure to use IT, resources and support for IT, leadership
for IT, community support for IT, and demographics. A large number
of measures were created using items from each of the survey instruments
from the USEiT study (see Russell et al., 2003a). Analyses presented here
also used rating scores for several factors obtained from site visits to each of
the districts (see Russell et al., 2003a).